Equality and human rights impact assessments (EQHRIAs) are an important mechanism for enabling equality and human rights considerations to be embedded into the policies, practices, procedures and priorities of public bodies in Scotland.
Assessing impact can help public authorities to achieve better outcomes by taking account of the rights of individuals whose interests may otherwise be overlooked and improve performance by making sure that action taken is effective and efficient. It also means developing better policies and practices, based on evidence, and being transparent and accountable to stakeholders. EQHRIAs can encourage individuals and communities to participate in decision making processes, giving them ownership of decisions and transforming institutional cultures and decision making.
The Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC) and Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) Scotland recognise that some public authorities are choosing to address both the equality and human rights implications of proposed, new or revised policies or practices when they assess impact.
We wish to support public authorities in this integrated approach to impact assessment, and have developed the following:
An explanation of the added value of the human rights dimension.
Information about two pilot EQHRIAs in Renfrewshire and Fife Councils.
This work has been supported by a steering group of members including, the Scottish Government, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), NHS Health Scotland, Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, the Scottish Councils Equality Network, Police Scotland, the Scottish Prison Service, Audit Scotland, Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and others.