Equalities Measurement Framework: EHRC, Government Equalities Office (GEO), the Scottish Government, the Welsh Assembly Government, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have produced this measurement framework that can be used to assess equality and human rights across a range of domains.
Human Rights Measurement Framework. Produced by the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion at the LSE, with the British Institute of Human Rights,this set of indicators brings together information and evidence for analysing and assessing human rights in Britain.
Monitoring housing rights, United Nations Housing Rights Programme (2003). This document looks at developing a set of indicators to monitor the full and progressive realisation of the human right to adequate housing. Background paper for the 2003 expert group meeting on housing rights monitoring.
Report on Indicators for Monitoring Compliance with International Human Rights Instruments. Produced by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (2006), this document includes annexes of indicators for the right to life, health, food and judicial review of detention.
Report on Indicators for Promoting and Monitoring the Implementation of Human Rights. Produced by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (2008), this document includes annexes of a range of indicators for a range of human rights issues.
Human Rights Indicators at Programme and Project Level,by Erik Andre Andersen and Hans-Otto Sano. A methodological guide published by the Danish Institute for Human Rights (2006).
Manual for the Measurement of Indicators for Children in Formal Care, UNICEF (2009). Common global indicators for children in formal care.
Measuring Human Rights, Landman and Carvalho (2009). Explores the debates and tradeoffs between different data collection schemes and levels of analysis in academic and NGO research.